Scientists have established a causal link between chronic spirochetal infection and Alzheimer’s disease.
Borrelia burgdorferi, a bacterial species of the spirochete class, have an affinity for neural tissue and can pass through the blood brain barrier. The bacterium have been detected in Alzheimer’s disease patients.
Although this has been determined, further research is needed to explore this particular association. Once more is learned, the next step will be to investigate the most effective way to treat such infections. Phelix believes that this is where phages could have an important role to play.
Historic evidence to support a causal relationship between spirochete bacteria and Alzheimer’s disease
Following previous observations a statistically significant association between various types of spirochetes and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) fulfilled Hill’s criteria in favor of a causal relationship. If pirochetal infections can indeed cause AD, the pathological and biological hallmarks of AD should also occur in syphilitic dementia.
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Alzheimer’s Disease: A Novel Hypothesis Integrating Spirochetes etc
In the light of recent studies showing the presence of spirochetes in the brains of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients, we have studied (post mortem) the hippocampus region in the brains of similarly affected AD patients utiliz- ing both pathology and immunohistochemistry. Our findings demonstrate that the plaques, which are characteristically found in AD brains, reveal the presence of biofilms. These biofilms are undoubtedly made by the spirochetes pres- ent there; further, we have also found that the biofilms co-localize with the β amyloid that is a signature finding in the disease.
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